Round One—Baiyi Lose

To be honest, Baiyi shouldn't be surprised at Mia’s parents traits. Nature might have played a role in how Mia turned out, but nurture played a big part as well.

It was more plausible that the combined effort of good upbringing and a constant display of virtues from her parents resulted in a compassionate, pleasant child, than a child growing up into the extreme opposite of her parents.

Yet Baiyi had not been honest nor fair in his judgment. He had long thought of Mia’s father as a potential threat and that had led to self-serving bias and outright denial of her father’s finer character.

But when he had heard that the Viscount himself refused to raise taxes on his people however, the bubble popped.

Even the Thane could not help but blurted out, "How could such a simpleton become a governor? He’s giving up on his rights! Or do stupidly nice people actually exist?"

How could such a simpleton become a governor?