A Very Pleasant Morning

Now that he could build them using the schema, replicating the runic complex was not far from reach. Within two days’ times, Baiyi had set up a prototypical Absolute Territory in his own lab.

Being a prototype, it was still no larger than a room. Of course, the most important part would be to see if the territory could seal off everything like the original, so Baiyi needed an accessory to help.

He snuck into Mia’s room while she was sleeping.

The girl had already kicked her blanket away, while her nightgown was rolled all the way up to her waist. Baiyi shut his eyes in an act of modesty and relied on his psychic sense to locate her hammerhead shark plushie.

Even after he returned to his lab, the girl’s body warmth was still lingering on the plushie.

"Please, allow me to run your test, Sir Hope. Surely you know of my field of expertise," The Engineer started.