Do You Know Who Their Dad Is?

After the game had ended, the Walkers voiced out their opinions one by one. Each and every one of them had their own views but there was one that they all agreed on... It was not easy living on Earth…

That was a universally agreed truth!

The Thane was busy giving his winner's speech and since Baiyi was not interested in it at all, he probed the Warrior secretly and asked her, What do you think about the game? He was extremely curious about what the Warrior felt about living such an ordinary life.

After giving it some thought, the Warrior replied in a calm tone that she usually used but with her extravagantly sweet voice she said, "I'm ready," before going back to her usual taciturn state.

W-What? What kind of answer is that? What do you mean by you're ready? What is it that you're ready for? Baiyi was a little dumbfounded. Is this a special kind of flirting method?

Errr... Fine then. I'll just let her be.