A Tie in Strength

Specialized Encasement Shaping Spell. This was the first spell Baiyi had used when he was first summoned, but it failed back then because of the initial low limit of his power. However, he finally succeeded today.

They said a mighty body brings mighty mood. Baiyi felt that every cell in his body was compressed like a loaded spring with power. He was unbeatable in this condition!

"I'm unstoppable!" Baiyi's husky and deep voice exclaimed in satisfaction. He sneered at the charging demons and calmly extended his right hand. "Begone!"

Baiyi killed all these cannon fodders without much difficulty. Once again, he cast a levitation spell and hovered in midair as he expanded his amplified Psychic Energy through the surroundings. Very quickly, he had already secured all 13 cracks in the realm within Arfin city.

Then, he started chanting as he placed his arms on his chest.