What About Me?

"Mia, are we gonna be sisters?"

Mia was startled at the question that had come seemingly out of nowhere. She turned towards Mordred and tackle the latter into an embrace and rubbed her cheeks against Mordred's.

"Why would Mor-Mor ask something like this? Are we not sisters already?"

Mordred may be close to 30 years old in human age, but to a dragon, she was considered even younger than Mia was. Plus, she had the smallest frame of all of the girls, so they usually called her Mor-Mor out of affection.

Mordred purred out in satisfaction, and her eyes squinted into a line from Mia's rubbing. She continued, "Tomorrow is the Harvest Festival, and there's a legend about it, you know? On its night, those who couple up during the Flame Night would be blessed by the gods to live happily ever after…"