The Numbering for the Last Chapter Was Wrong Again

The coach passed through the streets of Breighton as the afternoon slowly rolled in. The finance and political center of the North had started coming alive, and laughter and chatters seeped out from within the coffeehouses and tea rooms at the side of the streets, implicitly informing every outsider that this was the time when the locals enjoyed high-teas.

Vidomina opened the window and watched the streets wistfully. She knew that it would be a long, long time before she could return to this beautiful city she had grown up in. That realization had incited a feeling of sorrow, so she closed the window again and edged closer to Baiyi, rubbing her skin at him for comfort.

Then, in a pang, she seemed to remember something and asked, "Mentor! What should I call you from now on?"

That caught Baiyi off guard, so he tilted his head to a side and replied her question with a question of his own, "Why ask something like this?"