Now That’s A Balanced Way of Teaming Up!

Other than the sleeping Fairy, the 30th Voidwalker; Charlatan, the 31st Voidwalker; Oracle, the 4th Voidwalker — who almost never joined the others to play; Druid, the 8th Voidwalker, who was unable to join them, and Baiyi himself, every other Walker had gladly signed up for the game. Even those who normally avoided these games entered the scene. There were 28 players in total.

Baiyi divided the Voidwalkers into seven small teams, placing four players in each team.

The Archmage's team consisted of himself, three beautiful maidens, and a group of poorly designed NPCs, who all had the most generic facial features that NPCs could ever have. One of the poorly-designed-NPCs, who seemed to be the leader of the NPCs in the team, began to brief the team members dutifully, reminding them to always keep an eye on their watch.