The Final Battle Royale

The final battlefield looked like a combination of Isythre and Gouve. The earth was Isythre-like, but the sky was filled with floating isles. On each island, one would find a nerd's complete compendium of classic enemies — zombies, mummies, mutated bugs, aliens and more; however, that was not all. The local NPCs were there, but this time, they were incredibly hostile to the players. They seemed hell-bent on lynching the players; it was as if co-existing with the players was not an option.

This seemed too similar to the way the mortals of the world perceived the Voidwalkers.

Not only that, all the bosses they had faced in the previous rounds were all present. The Voidwalkers were overwhelmed by the sheer amount of dangers they faced in this level; not only were they supposed to defend themselves against local NPCs, mobs, and powerful bosses, but they also had to fight the other teams to death.