No Bloody Way!

When the horns hidden in Baiyi's helm sprang out, his Sanctus armor finally recovered a little bit of its original badass look. One could even call this a transformation sequence if they liked. Its perfect timing even made the sudden event seem quite epic!

'Fine, so the reason why the tables have turned is that of something that looks like deus ex machina. But eh, who's counting?'

"Hm. It appears that you have an acute sense of seizing chances whenever they present themselves — a surefire indication that you're a battle veteran," Grant muttered. "However, in a battle where prestige takes precedence,along with the limited amount of techniques I can perform out here, I believe that this is merely a struggle before death."

The three rune rings surrounding Grant suddenly lit up the area around him, indicating his intention to retaliate!

However, a brief wave of nausea immediately hit him, and the spell he had begun to conjure dissipated.