How Did You Turn Into Something This Surreal?

"Okay, so a lot has happened while we were there but… at least our plan, Operation: Prevent Mishaps on Grace Day, was a success!" Baiyi exclaimed as he stepped out of the portal. He proceeded to pour himself a drink to enjoy in the familiarity of his Magus Lab.

"Are you sure you escaped, bruh?" said a voice suddenly from the Void. It belonged to the Bard Walker, who was trying to strike a conversation with Baiyi purely because he did not contribute anything to the Voidwalkers' previous brainstorming session. "I mean, if we calculate the time properly, wasn't the day you were floored by that leather suit exactly Grace Day?"

'Tsk… Damn it, he's right. It's as if I didn't escape at all, did I?' To him, his ordeals had been better than the kids', who got the shorter end of the stick and had to camp in a woods far away from civilization, for days.