There Will Be Riots

Watching the old fairy's wrinkled face contort with rage, Baiyi realized that the truth behind this matter was far more damning than Grandfather Tree had let on. This was probably because he had long since abstained from the affairs of the world. However, if an old fairy like the Elder before them could be so livid, it was evident that the Fairy King had done something completely unacceptable.

At this point, the Elder began to elucidate the crux of this matter, supplying Baiyi with even more information about the current Fairy King than he already knew. The Fairy King had ascended the throne three hundred years ago, and he was now only five hundred years old. To a human, that would be the age of a very old man close to death, but to the fairies, this was the age at which at which one was said to be a youth at the prime of their lives.