Something Wicked This Way Comes

Although Baiyi did not doubt the Bard Walker's literary accomplishments, he could not fathom the fact that a heretical altar, which had been designed with a style prominent to an Abyss Lord, would have a god's emblem on it.

"This God of Power… Is he an evil god?" Baiyi asked.

"No; oh, no. He's pretty benevolent. His religion and ties in God's grace both support this, so how could he be evil? He just has not bothered with granting miracles or making oracles of his followers. The number of followers he had was minuscule in comparison with God's Grace, so in the end, his cult died out," the Bard Walker replied in a serious tone of voice. "From the records I collected, his cult was pretty low-profile, and his followers were few and meek."