Put Your Best Foot Forward

Molocchus, who was known for its sly nature, had actually fought with Baiyi only because it had been stalling for time.

Its aim all along had been to complete the complicated Teleportation Formation. This formation is so difficult to construct that even those adept at magic still need time to complete it. Despite using its thick black mass of muscles to inscribe the runes and glyphs of the formation onto itself, Molocchus still spent a lot of time to create the formation.

The Abyss Lord never intended to have a life-or-death battle with Baiyi. Why do that when it had yet to master its new body? Its smartest play was to retreat. The banter it made, including the offer it made to Baiyi for an alliance, was all a ruse to stall for time with which to complete the formation. As soon as the formation was completed, Molocchus Rewrote the Law of Power to allow the use of worldy energy, causing the formation to start up.