390. This Is An Unexpected Reward

Gru's decision was a clever one. On his order, the imperial army swept through places in the Capital City where Godsfall Cultists were reported to dwell. He had issued this same other to the guards in other fairy cities, successfully starting a full-blown eradication. 

"If everything works according to plan, in a week, these pests should be no more. Of course, rooting out this tumor completely will require more time," Gru said.

Baiyi thought about Gru's revelation for a while before chuckling. "You do realize you're coming off as quite the cruel person, right? I mean, many of these cultists are your allies, aren't they? And, now that they are in a tight spot, you quickly abandon them and even kick them while you're at it."

"I am only for the welfare of my people and my Kingdom. Friends are irrelevant," Gru replied sincerely.