A Terrifying Enemy

With Lady Assassin Walker's masking techniques, Baiyi's group reached the black castle undetected. They planned to go around a group of skeleton knights that were in front of the castle, playing a game that vividly resembled soccer. 

Since the senses of skeletons are impaired, unlike humans, it was nigh impossible for this group to see through the Assassin Walker's techniques. Hence, the Voidwalkers crept, one after the other, past the playing skeletons. Everything went smoothly until the Hitman Walker's turn. 

He had only taken a few steps forward before a skull, which was being used by the skeletons as a soccer ball, struck the Hitman Walker's body and bounced off. 

Facing the others, the Hitman Walker helplessly spread his arms open, wearing an expression that said, "Guys, I think I effed up." Two polearms suddenly appeared in his hands, and he used them to slay the skeletons he had been trying to flank.