Guys, This Is Not The Plot You Remembered

As soon as Baiyi saw the signboard, he rummaged through the memories he had of Earth. There was no place on his Earth's Area 11 called 'Fuyuku City', so Baiyi said to the Archmage, "Hey, you know what? I really did return to Earth, just not my Earth. It's yours. How do you feel about switching from using cards with characters drawn on it to becoming a character yourself?"

"My student, what are you even talking about?" The Archmage asked, confused. "By the way, you're absolutely not welcomed to my home. I'll never let a card arsonist like you enter my sacred abode!"

'Hmph, what a petty old geezer! Is he's scared that I would burn something else in his home,' Baiyi shook his head sideways. Now was not the time to think of these trivial things.