She Is Going To Fly Straight Until Morning

The road to Da Xue had been sealed, and activities within the campus had seized. There was only the foreboding atmosphere that preluded a war. The students whose names were called quickly picked their best weapons and gadgets, while the students whose names weren't called formed a group and gossiped in low voices. 

The students at Da Xue took the entire situation calmly — something one would rarely see from students their age. This was not a surprise, though, as Da Xue's students had had to pass stringent tests before they were admitted. These tests had been designed to weed those without bravery and calm.

Attie had nothing to do in this preparatory stage, so she headed to the city guards' headquarters. Her revealing outfit attracted a lot of the attention from the guards, who now found themselves gawking at her, instead of focusing on the approaching enemies. 

When Attie reached the entrance of the headquarters, her path was blocked by a guard.