Don't Take His Story Seriously Enough To Emulate It

When Baiyi saw the terrifying black bear-like behemoth charge into its enemies, he paused the flashback and scanned the crowd before him, asking, "Where's Mr. Bear? How is he?"

"Here, my friend." Mr. Bear's voice echoed from behind him. Baiyi turned and saw the bear. Its appearance had returned to normal. It resembled a teddy bear, and this attracted Santa's attention. The young girl did not waste any time in poking the bear. 

Mr. Bear did not mind her. It took out an almond from nowhere and handed it to her. When Santa stretched her little hands to receive the almond, it suddenly turned into a bouquet of fresh flowers. Surprised, Santa took the glowers, and when she brought it close to sniff, the bouquet became an almond again.