The Real Precious Gift

When Baiyi noticed Mia staring at him intensely, he had to make do with an old trick in the book for those caught in embarrassing situations: faked coughing fit. "Uh… Uh-hem!"

He hurriedly pulled his hands away from his face and shoved the plushie into her arms, all the while hastily explaining, "Um, well, Anna came here some time ago, to return this to you, but you weren't around. So now, well, I'm returning this to you on her behalf."

Mia's expression was unreadable, but she accepted the plushie and lowered her head. It seemed as though she had something to say, but no words left her lips. Instead, she walked up to her door, opened it silently, and beckoned him over with a gesture.

Baiyi entered the house quietly and sat on a chair.

"Please, let me change into something else," Mia said. Before he could answer, she bolted upstairs.

A few moments later, Mia returned, and Baiyi could not help gawking at her.