It's Not Urgent Yet

Baiyi stood quietly in front of the door, listening in on the conversation for a few minutes. Then, he raised his leg, arched in a dramatic fashion and kicked the door off its hinges. 

Suddenly, the tranquil night — a time when all and sundry were supposed to be relaxing — was filled with shrill screams similar to those made by bigs about to be slaughtered. 

"Help! Anyone, help! That son of a b**** admin is committing manslaughter!"

"—D-d-don't you dare come any f***ing closer! Or… Or I'll murder you!"

"And the Lord says unto his follower: 'Fear not, for I have granted courage to those who dare to fight back against tyrannical admins...'"

The shrieks went on, and suddenly, a loud explosion rattled the surroundings.