A Pioneer Will Always Suffer Some Setbacks

The Engineer Walker and his students raised an uproar as they scrambled towards the toppled marionette in a frenzy. As the marionette was the brainchild of their collective ingenuity, an integration of Earth's technology into Isythre's, and the representation of a certain video game they were currently transfixed at, it was understandable that the Engineer Walker and his students panicked at the sudden turn of events.

"I need an explanation! How in the world did something that walks on four damn legs even fall over?!" The furious Engineer Walker, who was running the fastest, yelled. 

"Huff… Huff… Well, seriously, if… it's certainly not because you fumbled around with its control…" A panting student offered as he struggled to catch up with the professor. "Maybe something happened to its vertical stabilizer or the hydraulic drive system."