Sorry, But This Time, None of You Will Join In On The Fun.

When the flashy activity ended, mouths were seen hanging open. The nobles had wondered how much military power Da Xue had, but they had never seen Baiyi — who had a habit of showing off — flex his academy's military capabilities this much before. 

The marionette had been outshone by that the fluffy teddy bear that restored the burning forest to its previous state, using a mysterious superpower. 

The same thought popped up in the minds of the nervous nobles: 'Showing off the powers you possess like this… Isn't this just a calculating, roundabout way to force us to pick a side?' 

The tycoons had come to the ball with their donations on them. They intended to get on Baiyi's good side but not pledge allegiance to him. This way, they would not be enemies of the Church as well as Baiyi.