The Truth About the Voidwalkers

From his premium seat in Attie's — or more accurately, the War God's — hand, Baiyi summarized the case of the students' sudden disappearance. The deity listened quietly, knitting Attie's brows together closer and closer as Baiyi narrated.

"So, even the God of Space himself was troubled by the incidence, huh?" Baiyi wondered out loud as he watched the War God's reaction closely.

"Nah, I was just thinking about how best to explain these things to someone like you," The War God corrected.

'What's that supposed to mean? A roundabout way to say I'm stupid?' Baiyi grumbled in his head, but he kept the words in.

"Let's put it this way," The War God began, waving Attie's hand over. Several dinner plates suddenly manifested in the air, which Baiyi suspected were purloined from the pantry.