The Defense Crumbled In An Instant

On this night, everyone in Highland City bore witness to the occurrence of a miracle — one that was as much a legend as any Forbidden Spell. On this night, the demons had expected to eat their fill of human flesh, only to realize that their last meals were to be served by a weapon as powerful as a Divine Regalia. 

Spells of various elements burst forth from the hammerhead shark plushie's underbelly, including fireballs, deadly icicles, and ice arrows. Among the deluge of spells were javelins of light and shadow arrows — uncommon elemental spells. Rare spells like corrosive fluids and venoms could also be identified, so could bizarre spells like a rain of white, viscous fluids. 

The spells bombarded every single demon in the city with unparalleled accuracy. Just minutes after the giant plushie appeared in the city, all the demons that got through the city wall were slain.