Tired Already?

The Emperor's words caused a surge of warmth to flow through Baiyi. Finally, his master had shown how much he cared about him. His master was even willing to let him become emperor for a while! 

When Baiyi entered the Emperor's office, he trembled; there was a mountain of documents atop the Emperor's desk. A million thoughts raced through Baiyi's mind. 'The Emperor is not trying to use me, right? He cannot possibly be that black-hearted, can he? He cannot be that nasty, right? He cannot—'

"Sire, this is Lord Rugel, the royal clerk; he will lend you a hand with these documents," said the attendant that ushered Baiyi into the Emperor's office. 

An old man with snow-white hair and a white beard stood beside the Emperor's table. He was so old and fragile that Baiyi wondered if he would pass on at any second.