An Unexpected Homecoming

The grim undertone of the angel's declaration made Baiyi feel dread. He tried to get his spirit out of the plush toy, but to his horror, it was too late; Noirciel's pearly chains had also bound the soul firmly to the plush toy. 

Feeling desperate, Baiyi decided to abandon the fragment of his soul in Lulu's mind, after which he tried to return his consciousness to his suit of armor. However, that attempt failed, as well; Baiyi had lost the connection he had to his suit of armor. 

Unfortunately, that was not the worst turn of events. 

The world around Baiyi had come to a complete stop. The Lulu in the real world was hovering, and her wings of light were spread wide open. Mia and the Emperor stared at her in shock, with their mouths wide open, unable to let out the words in their throat. Everything had stopped: no one moved; nothing moved. It was as though time had stopped.