She Arrives

"Ow! Ouch!" Baiyi did not stop pinching Attie despite hearing her cries of pain, but suddenly, he felt the weight on the right side of his suit-of-armor body lessen. Baiyi turned just in time to see his right arm fall to the floor. Clang! It was as though it had been lopped off by an invisible blade.

Attie no longer looked pitiful. She had a chilling scowl on her face, and her cold eyes watched Baiyi in contempt. Baiyi looked around the house and found it devoid of people, except for Attie and him. The silence was not awkward; it was chilling. 

"Er, hi. Long time no see," Baiyi said, picking up the severed arm of his suit-of-armor body. He did not attempt to reattach the arm, though. "My homies are fine, right?"

Attie continued to stare at Baiyi coldly. A few chilling seconds of silence passed, and she coldly asked, "So, you met an Angel."