Let's See If You Dodge This!

The pleasant sensation generated from the contact with a young girl's soft skin made Baiyi blush. 

Alas, nothing good lasted forever, and perverted deeds never went unpunished. Before Baiyi could bask in the pleasure, an incredibly powerful and invisible barrier formed between him and the angel. The force that it emerged with sent Baiyi flying; he did land gracefully, though, using several backflips. 

Baiyi was rather grateful that he had not eaten a mouthful of soil. 

The kitty plush toy was no longer in his possession. Noirciel held it up happily and rubbed her cheeks against it. 

The three Voidwalkers that came with Baiyi fought the urge to laugh. They were sure that they were not the only people there that believed Baiyi got what he deserved.