With All Of Our Efforts

While Laeticia and Attie stayed at Noirciel's bedside, the Voidwalkers worked. They were all seated at a large roundtable that had a whiteboard in front of it. The board was riddled with messy scribbles, as the Voidwalkers did their best to come up with a solution. 

"Ten days at most, huh?" The Cleric Walker muttered darkly.

"That is substantiated only by our calculations, but it should be enough. Mind you: the time frame is only accurate because of the War God's help. Without that timely divine intervention, the sub-dimension will collapse much earlier than that," the Scholar Walker solemnly replied, glancing at the Cleric Walker. "If the War God intervenes, the sub-dimension will be able to reduce the immensity of the Divine Energy storm on its own. Only the weakened energy would reach our fortifications, increasing the amount of time that the sub-dimension can hold out for."