The Voidwalkers Counterattack

A status report on the enemies outside Arfin would probably go like this:

After a massive reshuffle of the Church's army, not one of the six million frontline soldiers was a mercenary paid by nobles allied with the Church. After Grant's suicide attack made them suffer heavy losses, most of the soldiers were discharged. A small number of them were dispatched to guard the camp in Shamshire and the army's new logistics route. Not even one of them remained on the battlefield. 

A sixth of the army was tasked with the provision of ammunition and other supplies during the battle, while the rest were at the frontlines. These soldiers — who had been grouped into battalions, standing about 1000 meters away from the gate of Arfin city — were the Church's own militia. Mentally boosted by their faith and their belief in the righteousness of their actions, these soldiers stood straight, ready to fight. Despite suffering many losses, their spirit was not broken.