Rejecting Salvation

A gust of wind blew past Laeticia's face, and moments after that, silence reigned. She looked up, and her gaze locked with that of the angel that had just arrived in front of her. 

Like other angels, this angel emitted a holy aura with a blinding glow. His armor was as impeccable as his physique. 

Kimaris looked down and studied the girl before him through his blindfold. "You are the last of the Lord's purest believers."

"Yes. I'm Laeticia," Laeticia replied, getting back to her feet. She did not take her eyes of the angel, though, as doing so was against the teaching indoctrinated into her.

Laeticia was clad in her snow-white Saintess armor, and her golden braids were disheveled today. Her hair fluttered in the gentle breeze caused by the beating of Kimaris's wings, making her defiant. It was as though Laeticia and Kimaris were beings of equal standing.