He Returns

Paimon the giant energy being stared at his severed hand in disbelief. For a moment, Paimon's expression was unreadable, as a wave of emotions flooded his mind. He could freely regenerate any body part of the giant energy being, so the wound could not be considered fatal. 

It was the shock of watching his hand get severed that left him stupefied. 

Sharkie lunged forward and quickly swallowed the severed hand. 

Paimon turned his head slowly, but he had recovered from his shock. The stump on his wrist glowed brightly, and a new hand grew out from it. "A wasted effort. Our sacrifice outweighs your futile struggle."

Archangel Baal frowned and quickly transformed into another giant energy being. The giant energy beings stood on both sides of their floating island, looking down at the island as they prepared their killing strike.