Time Flies

The Archmage did not die.

He was so close, but in a hazy state of dying, a local hunter passed by him and saved him with a simple bun and some jerky. Just like that, no elderly were harmed in this game!

The Sage-Emperor of the Magi had never eaten anything this peasant-like since he was born. Yet, of all delicacies he had ever tasted, these were the most heavenly.

"I spent all my life teaching this little punk all I've got, you know, investing all that I have in him, but did he do to his benefactor, hmm? He left his old teacher in an empty, barren mountain and just left me to die!" The Archmage lambasted bitterly to the poor hunter lending his sympathetic ear. He had forgotten that this man and his people were all created by the target of his diatribe.

"That must be very difficult," The hunter said empathetically. "But you mentioned being a teacher, yes? Maybe you could come to my village and teach the kids how to read and write?"