The Beginning

From a strategic, objective, and self-serving standpoint, taking other tribes as one's bondmen was the best solution to the human population deficit. However, for an educated man like Baiyi, this method was repulsive. 

"There's no need to be concerned with annoying details," the Archmage said reassuringly; it was as though he had read his apprentice's mind. "We can strive for an equal, humane, democratic, and slavery-supporting society..."

'What sort of civilization do you think we are... Ancient Greeks? [1] Why the hell should our progress regress? It's like you don't know the tragedy faced by every society that encouraged slavery!' Baiyi retorted inwardly.

"Oh, damn it. We can debate policies for human resource management next time, alright? Right now, our priority is to fight this war, and unite the decentralized factions and guilds so that they could help achieve our goal," the Archmage said. "Okay! Now is the time to ride out!"