You're My Favorite Big Sister!

Because of the difference in species and Aya's —"Mother" Aya to Bai Yin — insistence, Big Sister Mor-Mor, who everyone knew as Mordred, did not live with Baiyi's other daughters. They met often enough to have an affectionate nickname for her, though.

The Big Sister Mor-Mor that Bai Yin knew was a beautiful, regal, charismatic, and free-spirited young woman who doted on her so much that she never said no to any of Bai Yin's request. Almost all of the plushies Bai Yin owned were Mor-Mor's gifts, and those extra diamonds in her favorite mobile game were bought using Mor-Mor's money behind Dad's back. Then there was those delicious, pleasurable food that her mother had insisted on being "bad for health"; Mor-Mor would bring her to eat those, too.

Among so many of her big sisters, Big Sister Mor-Mor was Bai Yin's second favorite. Mia was definitely not the first; heck, Mia was not even shortlisted.