Sorry, I Was Distracted

As Anshin's thoughts were a bit slurred at that moment, Vidomina's name did not ring a bell to her. She put down the phone after they agreed to meet at the front of her university gate.

'Doesn't this just mean that I' understood nothing?' Anshin muttered quietly, dismayed.

She turned her attention to her long-anticipating roommate and began to recount the event to the latter's increasingly baffled expression. "I really think I'm dreaming it all up…" She finished.

"I shouldn't have been a cheapskate. I should have just let up some of my cash to extend the protection period from my tour guide," Anshin added. Now that she had let much of her emotions out, she had become lucid enough to grab her phone and hit up the traveling website she had visited to prepare for her trip. On the Eos article, she furiously typed out a scathing review.