Daytime Lady Ghost (Part 2) III

10 minutes later.

Four policemen sat down in the office and compared their findings.

"How confusing."

"It's unexpected, isn't it? It doesn't line up..."

An officer picked up a form and browsed through it. He said, "This is your discovery, eh? It was strange on our side, too."

"Did his wife own up?"

"No, but found out about something else."

"Don't keep us in suspense."

"Simple. The couple isn't on good terms."

"What did you guys ask? Why did she even talk about this?"

"She didn't tell us about it, but we could tell."

"What did you notice?"

"I can't point it out, but you'll understand if you heard what she said. It's pretty funny and strange at the same time. I'll play the recording so listen for yourselves."

He took a recorder out and pressed play.
