Rain Man I

My name is Luqiao and I have yet to graduate.

I lived my days shamelessly as a marketing undergraduate.

I shared a dorm with three other students and stayed in 90% of the class semester.

Cutting classes were nothing out of the ordinary. 

I skipped my way through year 1, 2, and 3 just like that before finally receiving a warning letter from the school.

All four of us received it, to be exact.

75 credits were required for students to graduate but I had only 17.

My dormmates weren't any better either.

In any case, we won't be able to graduate if this continued. Of course, there was still year 4.

In the final semester, I thought about the 60 credits that I needed.

Was it hard? Yes.

Was it possible? Only if I left my computer and dorm to go to class.

It wasn't a big deal, however, since I could just attend more public classes.

As we were fretting over this issue, an idea came knocking on our door.