Door of Truth I

My name is Luqiao.

I am an orphan.

I don't have many memories of my childhood, but I did remember spending most of my time in an old chapel.

There were same-aged children around me, but I knew that we were very different.

They had parents who dropped them off at nine in the morning and picked them up at five in the afternoon.

I would wait for all of them to leave with their parents before following the priest back to his home.

I remembered asking the clergymen where my parents were, but they would just shake their head awkwardly in response.

I followed a different priest home every day. 

Some houses were very big while others were small. Sometimes, I had a room of my own, but most of the times, I had to sleep on the sofa or the floor.

Some sofas were soft, some were hard; some were long, some were short.

On cold days, I would get a blanket.