Door of Truth II

It was dark both inside the room and outside since it was already getting late.

My flashlight simply illuminated a blank darkness.

I put it down and used both hands to pry open the door fully.

It was very tough, which made me wonder what the hinges of ancient doors were made of.

Wood or metal?

No matter which, time would've caused them both to rot and rust.

After much effort, I finally got the door open wide enough to squeeze a person through.

I shone my light in once more and was surprised to note that it was actually quite spacious in there.

I slipped through the gap and the moment my foot landed on the floor, a dust cloud rose up.

Under the light, I could see the dust particles fluttering and flying upward. 

The sudden surge of dust carried a musty smell that assaulted my nostrils, causing me to cough a few times.

I pulled my collar up to cover my nose and started breathing with my mouth.