Offering the Constitution-Enhancing Pill

Mo Tiange was standing in the middle of the main hall, cautiously examining the Immortal's Cave that looked more like a palace than an Immortal's Cave.

Stairs made of spiritual jade, pillars made of unique stones, dragons and phoenixes carvings, and abundant Immortal's aura - all of it made her secretly sigh with admiration. Compared to this Immortal's Cave, Hu Clan's hall in Tiandao Sect simply looked like it belonged to a rich man from the secular world. It was really incomparable.

But what surprised her the most more than this palace was the person who was sitting - no, the person who was reclining - on the dragon couch.

This middle-aged man looked slightly younger than Martial Uncle Xuanyin. He was black-haired and short-bearded and had elegant looks. His face had some resemblance to Qin Xi's, but the lazy, carefree vibe his whole body emitted was completely different from the vibe Qin Xi gave off.