Entering Closed Door Meditation Once Again

Mo Tiange stared blankly at the three Foundation-Building Pills rolling around on the plate.

After she provided the pill recipe, someone indeed dropped by to deliver the reward. The reward wasn't only the three Foundation-Building Pills agreed on - there were also some treasures, medicinal pills and spirit stones. Furthermore, another disciple came to drop off a few other things the next day. Among these items was a bottle of freshly concocted Constitution-Enhancing Pills that were much higher quality than hers. These objects were actually given to her on Martial Uncle Shoujing's orders.

To tell the truth, the things she received in those two days were much more valuable than all her belongings combined. Thus, she didn't feel saddened by the loss of the pill recipe. At least those two people from Qin Clan didn't seize it by force and even treated her really well in return.