Please Fight On

Such a synchronized noise made the people in the airport unable to help turning their heads back around.

Because this shout was from some good-quality girls with such youthful and determined eyes, people would not think that they were noisy, but instead want to stop and take a look.

In that fan group, there was even someone smiling at Xue Yaoyao, holding up a sign with the word "Yao" on it.

Xue Yaoyao paused. So this was the feeling of being recognized.

For a long time, she was laughed at because of her fatness, poverty, and peculiarity.

Even though she had dreams, she would be laughed at by her neighbors.

In the past, she was always silent in this dark world.

Now… Xue Yaoyao lifted up her head, looking at the straight back walking in front of her.

Sunshine, justice, did they finally come?