Things Would Be Different Later On

Fu Jiu leaned back, sounding indifferent, "I played several matches with the Almighty. Brother Mo was always in charge of attacking, and made secondary attacks only when convenient. I think that he only plays secondary attacks to help everyone else, later when I'm playing, the strategy will be changed."

Is that so?

The Supreme Alliance people looked over. The Captain didn't refute it, which meant that Little Spade guessed everything correctly.

Fu Jiu felt weird about this and lifted her beautiful eyebrows. "You guys had been playing with the Almighty for two years now, and you don't even know that the Almighty only uses main attacks?"

Lin Feng and COCO shared a look. Their facial expressions were hard to describe.

Yun Hu spoke up: "For the sake of the team's performance, Captain has been focused on secondary attacks."

Which meant that the Almighty had never performed with his strongest skills.

As long as the team needed…