It Is Only the Beginning

They won rather unexpectedly.

Even those who had been watching had no idea how Bo Jiu and Qin Mo had reached the city center.

In order to prevent the audience from becoming impatient, the director immediately flashed a playback.

He used Qin Mo's character's point of view.

When it was played in slow motion, they realized that Qin Mo's appearance had always been a flash. Yan Yixiao, who had been focusing on his surroundings, seemed to have forgotten how fast and undetectable Qin Mo's movements were.

However, that wasn't even all because his speed in moving and shifting over the map was at a god-like speed.

Even though Qin Mo had been stealing the city, he still hadn't forgotten the teamfight.

"Why did Almighty Qin shift over the map so much while stealing the city? All that movement is making my eyes hurt," a girl complained.