Almighty Qin Likes to Do It Directly

Zhao Sanpang fell silent for a few seconds.

Xiao Jing glanced over, his voice calm. "The fact that he hasn't used his Three Thousand Knife Cutting might not be due to Yan Yixiao's inability to force it out. There is another possibility."

He paused, glancing up. "It won't be easy for Qin Mo to use that skill anymore."

"Captain, you mean…" Shock clouded her eyes. "But didn't he head over to America for treatment with the best specialists?"

Xiao Jing remained silent.

He glanced at the arena, which was still brimming with excitement.

Qin Mo stood in the midst of the chaos, tall and upright.

Perhaps, his opponent was the only one who could see the differences, but that was just another possibility.

After removing her headphones, Bo Jiu turned over to glance at the clear wrists.

Qin Mo remained nonchalant as he met the youngster's gaze. His face was so ravishing she felt a stir in her heart. Nothing seemed to be wrong.