Where Is That Guy?

Bo Jiu glanced up at her reflection.

As she couldn't use too much time for such disguises, she placed a washing sign at the door before locking the toilet.

But as this was a toilet after all, there was bound to be someone and thus she had to be quick.

Her silvery hair and face was too striking ━ they had to go.

This time, she didn't opt for a wig and had gotten Hoshino to place a colored hairspray instead. It would be more convenient when she climbed walls and jumped out.

Bo Jiu narrowed her eyes. Her left hand was grabbing a bunch of hair while her right hand held the spray can. The striking silver strands darkened until it became pitch black, the same shade as the eyes in the mirror.

At another corner of the arena, the reporters were trying to get their microphones in front of Qin Mo.