She Escaped Under His Watch

Individual interview?

Qin Mo's deep gaze swept past the black jacket lying on a chair before reaching out and holding it up, his gaze freezing over. "What is his jacket doing here if he went for an interview?"

Lin Feng paused. That was right, the jacket had to be worn during press interviews.

Why didn't that occur to him?

If Little Spade hadn't gone for his interview, where did he go?

"He might have gone to the toilet?"

Qin Mo remained silent, his grip tightening around the black jacket.

Then he headed towards the left.

Lin Feng called out, "Captain."

However, Qin Mo had no intentions of turning.

Lin Feng couldn't seem to understand the situation because Little Spade hadn't been gone for long. Wasn't his captain's reaction a little odd?

Was their relationship already at a stage where even a minute apart was too long?


Qin Mo's reaction wasn't odd at all.