Extra Episode Of Qin Mo And Bo Jiu

Other people might not know how good Qin Mo was at taking care of people. But other people would always remain as other people. Very few people would let him supervise them willingly like Bo Jiu.

Qin Mo did have his flaws. His possessiveness was extremely strong. He even put Luoluo on Bo Jiu's phone's blacklist before.

Everyone condemned his action, but Bo Jiu would always reply with one sentence, "It's just a small matter. I will add her back secretly."

In the end, she was still smiling playfully.

The entire world was probably like this. No one was perfect.

For instance, Bo Jiu. She was like the wind. A second ago, she might be lying in your arms lazily, but the next second, she could be driving a Lamborghini and creating some trouble. She had many friends, male or female. Most of the time, besides training, she would be playing.

Indeed, she looked like a person who liked to drink and play. Qin Mo was the only person who could catch the wind.