Extra Episode Of Father Bo

From a certain point of view, Bo Jiu never changed ever since she was young.

As for Qin Mo, he didn't get used to it when he was young. His manners taught him that they were different in gender so they needed to keep some distance between them. However, after that he felt very uncomfortable when she stopped looking for him and stopped hugging him. It was so uncomfortable that he didn't want to maintain any distance from her.

There was only one way to solve this. He would raise her. That way, they wouldn't need to care about their gender difference. Thus, you could say that Qin Mo was still as scheming as he was in the past.

If not, William wouldn't feel a chill down his spine and his knees wouldn't go weak when he saw Qin Mo. Qin Mo was his childhood nightmare.

However, these were nothing when compared to his gentleness.